Day Trading Options 101 #1

Tip #1

Bid / Ask spread is critical and should be a large part of the decision process you use to determine what strikes to trade, what expiration to trade, or to decide of you should trade it at all. When I first started trading options I was really concerned about the strikes I should trade but I did not have a good answer from anyone I asked.

Some people suggest trading ITM options, others suggest that OTM or “near the money” options are a good way to go; in this short video we look at both & discuss how you may decide “this time” to do one over the other.

Video One – a series on day trading options

In this video series I wanted to provide a little assistance to those starting into the options trading world; these videos are not designed to cover every single thing about options trading in a “day traders” approach; these videos are designed to cover a specific topic and to offer a point of view on what we can do to improve our approach to day trading.